Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Evance and Zandy were married in the Johannesburg Temple however, to have the marriage sanctioned by the Kenyan government needed a marriage performed on Kenyan soil.  All the missionaries were invited and it was such a great, entertaining, jubilant but very long day.  Kenyans love to dance so there was plenty of dancing to a band of drums, rattles, bells, and other curious instruments.  Their feet move, their bodies wiggle and jiggle, their shoulders have actions they have tried very diligently to teach me but I just can’t quite make it happen like a Kenyan but it is great fun.  Bright colors, bright sounds, great food, and beautiful clothing are all part of the day! 

Great way to decorate the wedding car!

Groom same traditon-always waiting for the bride!

My good friend Alice Kogo, mother of the groom.

Mr. and Mrs. Evance Kogo


Cooking going on behind the church.

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