Tuesday, January 15, 2013


We did return to complete the discussions in the home of Phillip & Julia in Issac's home and in Betwell's home.  They have been taught, we have shared the church literature, The Book of Mormon, and have borne testimony of each discussion, the truth of the message, but now the even harder part begins as we shared again the message President Kogo taught to Phillip.  He is coming to church in the Langas Branch at great sacrifice.  

President Kogo explained it does take sacrifice for membership in this great church.  We pray Philip might be strong and a way provided for him to find the funding needed.  It costs about 300 Ksh ($3) for a roundtrip ticket to the Langas Branch and back home to Ndalat and this is a challenge for there are many places that 300 Ksh might be spent.  He came to church last Sunday and had a great time.  He would like to bring his family to church but that will need to wait for the family to raise additional funding for transit into Langas. 

In an article on the church web site we learn there are many Africans yearning to join The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints however in the wise words of Elder Holland,  “Our very biggest challenge,” Elder Holland said, “will be to not let that get out of hand. If Church growth outstrips the ability to sustain itself, he said, the result is often lack of retention. We will still have to make sure new members are kept close to the Church,” he said. “They need to have callings and to be integrated into the Church fully and thoroughly."  

We are working to build centers of strength in each area and it will take time for those centers to swell and grow.  Someday the Eldoret area will swell and grow until there will be a chapel out in the Ndalat area.  I wonder if Elder Babcock and I would ever have an opportunity in the future to see that chapel and there greet Julia, Phillip, and their five sweet daughters?

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