Thursday, February 23, 2012


We were invited to teach down in the village at Rebecca’s home. William Keriche arranged a new group of people to hear the first discussion. He translated for us again and after the discussion told me, “You people, I learn something new from you each time.” These people are sweet, very humble, and very friendly to Elder Babcock and me. Here’s Elder Babcock’s description:

We did visit the village again and had another good meeting with entirely a new group of 20 folks and one drunk. The man who had been drinking assured me he would read and study our pamphlets on The Restoration and The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith. I will go to his house soon and see the level of his commitments, and I do know where he lives. William Keriche, the man setting up these meetings stated that he is beginning to know the message and could give it himself now. He is a respected AIC leader in the village, so we will see what he is really made of. Sister Babcock and I have built Power Point presentations for the lessons. We open up our laptops, they huddle around us we give them a visual lesson with pictures and scriptures, this discussion was outside on the grass using computer battery power, they loved it and if they are visual learners it is very effective. We are getting well known in this area and it seems to be paying off for us. Despite the fact none of these people are progressing towards baptism yet, we are teaching the gospel and exposing them to the truth with great hopes for the future.

We did go back to visit the family of the “drunk” Jonah. His ninety-year-old grandmother that also attended the discussion at Rebecca’s home grabbed Bruce and started dancing and singing next she came after me. Grandma was singing a song in Kiswahili and I asked what she was singing it was a welcome/happy to see you type of song; my only regret was I did not have my camera on hand to photograph her dance. She is in one picture sitting on a bench in the middle of a row of women. Grandma had some great dance moves. I asked for a lesson!

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