Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Before Transfer Day that is coming this week for some of our eleven missionaries that work here in Eldoret the missionaries requested we complete another service project at the Kapsaret Primary School. Bruce and I checked with the Headmaster, William and the school was delighted to have us return for a “Geography Day” as each companionship of missionaries gave a fifteen minute description of their country (or state) to each class. We were requested to supply the students with information on the farming in our country (or state), crops raised, foods we eat, transportation, the schools attended, subjects learned, and more. The day chosen was a Wednesday, our DDM Day (District Development Meeting) so we held our meeting that morning at the waterfalls not far from Kapsaret School. Another beautiful day in the Rift Valley that is ending the “short rain” season. One of our missionaries from Utah said, “Finally I can see the Africa I came to see!” (Elder Haynes just transferred from a hot dry desert area). It reminded him of the mountains of Utah??

Our Guide - Her Father Owns This Property

Guess who is one of my favorite Elders?

We love our missionaries--and appreciated our two guides!

These Elders Caught A Ride Up The Hill To Head Home 

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