Monday, September 19, 2011


President and Sister Broadbent have been so kind. They drove us to our assignment in Eldoret, Kenya. It was quite an experience! Driving here is absolutely crazy. There doesn't seem to be a speed limit; if the car behind you thinks you are going too slow he will pass on either side of you and barely make it back in his lane before crashing into a vehicle driving from the other direction. There are enormous speed bumps that just creep up and send you out of your seat to the ceiling, and ruts in the road that made Bruce, the engineer, shake his head in unbelief. I must say the President is able to drive with the best of Kenya drivers. Along the way we spotted zebras, baboons, and water buffalo. I keep shaking my head, “We are in Kenya”! All is well, we are happy, we are safe, and we love you all so much! The little red duka (Swahili for a shop) can be found all along the Nairobi Highway, most likely Kenyan homes are located behind the stonewall. How do you like the bicycle transport?


Lyndsey said...

LOVE ALL OF THIS!!! So exciting. What an adventure you are embarking I am so glad that you are blogging about it.

Stacy said...

What an adventure!

WhitParks said...

OOH! I love that you are posting and I am so happy to see some pictures! Can't wait for more and more!