Saturday, May 26, 2012


One of our bananna trees; once they are ripe you cut the whole tree down to harvest the bananas.

Our African flame tree.
Our guard, Willford Kosgie, lives in this home right on our compound.  The hedge runs all around the compound, it's about fourteen feet tall.  Check out the Kenyan stepladder that is most likely not OSHA approved!

 Poinsettia  plants grow wild around here this one is in our backyard.  

The backyard garden.

 Elder Babcock has taught classes on raising seedlings so we will have squash growing in our garden soon!

Scarecrow, Kenyan style.
To make it a home I always need flowers on the front porch and I was thrilled to find one of my favorite flowers only in Kenya they are called the butterfly flowers, love the name for sweet pansies.

The fundy (handyman) who has repaired, re-repaired, and repaired again plus another great picture of a stepladder, Kenyan style!

Back of the house.